Job numbers show Sask. Party taking Saskatchewan in the wrong direction

Saskatchewan currently has 9,400 fewer full time jobs than it did at this time last year according to recent numbers released by Statistics Canada.

Educational services was among the sectors worst hit as it saw 5,200 fewer jobs year over year – a stat that is very concerning to NDP jobs critic Warren McCall who said that education is among the last places Saskatchewan families should see job losses in. 

“This speaks to government simply not making education a priority in Saskatchewan and not understanding the realities that students and teachers face every day,” McCall said. “Classrooms are overcrowded, teachers can’t give students the one-on-one attention they need and instead of investing to ensure the right supports are in place for our kids, this government cut deeper and is already hinting at even more cuts.”

Other sectors that saw significant full-time jobs lost, include forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas (-1,100); agriculture (-300); construction (-3,500); and manufacturing (-900).

“While this government was busy riding a resource boom, they were doing little to diversify Saskatchewan’s economy," said McCall. "Now, with the resource sector in decline, this lack of diversity means real problems for Saskatchewan people struggling to make ends meet and plan for their future.”

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