Beck calls for an end to the Sask. Party PST on construction labour

REGINA - In light of the province benefiting from record resource revenues, Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck and Highways and Infrastructure Critic Trent Wotherspoon today called on Scott Moe’s Sask. Party government to axe the PST on construction labour that kills jobs and denies municipalities millions for infrastructure projects improving the quality of life for all Saskatchewan families.

“The choice to add the PST to construction labour was a mistake from day one. This is a tax on jobs and investment. Saskatchewan should be booming, and this decision is a gut punch to the economy. It needs to be scrapped,” said Beck. “Saskatchewan has all the ingredients for growth, but bone-headed decisions like these are driving jobs and investment straight out of our province.” 

Since Scott Moe was elected, Saskatchewan has ranked dead last in Canada in total job creation. Saskatchewan also had the worst average annual change in the value of building permits in Canada since Scott Moe became premier. 

“We only need to look at the building permit numbers - which are the worst in the nation - to see the damage this tax has done,” said Wotherspoon. “The PST on construction labour is driving up the cost of projects, driving away investment and driving people out of the province.”

“The damage caused by the tax on construction labour comes up over and over again when I meet with municipal leaders,” said Municipal Affairs Critic Erika Ritchie. “RMs, towns, cities, and the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association have all shared their concerns with how the Sask. Party’s tax on construction labour makes it harder for municipalities to build important infrastructure.” 


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PRINCE ALBERT – The latest December 2024 job numbers by Statistics Canada show that the Prince Albert and Northern economic area of Saskatchewan lost another 700 jobs last month. Overall, there are 1,100 fewer jobs in the region since Scott Moe became Premier in February 2018. 

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