Statement by Official Opposition Finance Critic Trent Wotherspoon on Sask. Party government failing to make needed investments to fight COVID-19

The statement reads as follows:

This new report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives detailing the millions of federal dollars the Sask. Party is leaving on the table confirms what we already know: that the Sask. Party is failing to make the investments we need now to get COVID-19 under control.

But they’re not only failing to deploy federal dollars, they’re failing to spend the $260 million in the provincial contingency fund that they’ve already approved. 

While the Sask. Party has sat on their hands and failed to deploy crucial resources in our schools, hospitals, and care homes, we’ve seen case numbers skyrocket and dozens die needlessly.

 The Sask. Party needs to act now to protect lives and livelihoods.

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