Statistics Canada: Saskatchewan loses net 91 businesses in past year

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck responded to the latest business closure figures from Statistics Canada. Under Premier Scott Moe, the province is seeing an alarming number of local businesses shut their doors. 

“I think these numbers confirm what we’ve been hearing from workers and local business leaders over the past few weeks. This government is selling out Saskatchewan one industry at a time,” said Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck. “It’s time for a change. We need to be putting Saskatchewan workers and businesses first.”

Statistics Canada released new data yesterday showing that, over the last 12 months, Saskatchewan suffered an overall decrease of 91 local businesses. Regina lost 8 businesses overall, Saskatoon lost 30 businesses, and the rest of the province lost 53 businesses.

The Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce is calling for transparency after a government agency gave the contract of one particular Saskatoon business, Shercom, to a California-based company.

At a press conference this morning, Shercom President Mike Richards and CEO Shane Olson said that, in 2016, then Environment Minister Scott Moe promised ‘assurance of supply’ of tires for Shercom, a promise that has since been broken and has led to over 60 job losses. 

Shercom’s Marlin Strangeland has likened the situation to being “stabbed in the back in our own backyard”. 

Shercom also alleges that Moe was one of the leading architects behind the creation of the controversial Tire Stewardship agency. 

If elected premier, Beck’s Hire Saskatchewan Plan would see the province prioritize growing Saskatchewan businesses, hiring Saskatchewan workers, and building more made-in-Saskatchewan products when public dollars are being spent.


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PRINCE ALBERT – The latest December 2024 job numbers by Statistics Canada show that the Prince Albert and Northern economic area of Saskatchewan lost another 700 jobs last month. Overall, there are 1,100 fewer jobs in the region since Scott Moe became Premier in February 2018. 

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