23,000 jobs lost since 2020 means real action must be taken says official opposition
Saskatoon - The latest jobs figures for Saskatchewan should be a wake up call for Scott Moe and the Sask Party. The numbers released by Statistics Canada this morning show that there are 23,000 fewer people working in the province than this time last year.
“This has been a hard year for everyone but there are 23,000 people who are facing the additional hardship and stress of being out of a job,” said Official Opposition Leader Ryan Meili. “The Sask Party keeps trying to paint a rosy picture about our economy but these numbers tell the true story. Too many people are out of work and the numbers are getting worse. We need to see a real jobs plan from this government. There has to be real action.”
Local MLA, Seniors Minister M.I.A. on Cockroach Infestation
Roaches so bad seniors struggle to store food in their own homes
MOOSE JAW - Today, Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck stood with seniors concerned about an out-of-control cockroach infestation at a provincial housing unit.