Saskatchewan patients suffer due to Sask. Party politics

SASKATOON - Today, Official Opposition Leader Ryan Meili was joined by Donna Wagar, who needs urgent surgery for gallstones. Despite living in chronic pain and losing a significant amount of weight, Donna has been told she may not get her surgery for another 6 months. 

“Over the last few months, our offices have been inundated with calls and emails of stories just like Donna’s. When Premier Moe talks about fairness, these are the Saskatchewan people he ignored,” said Meili. “How is it fair that thousands of Saskatchewan patients can’t access health care in their own province because this Sask. Party government refused to listen to medical experts back in the summer? What concerns me is the possibility of a 5th wave over the holidays and what that will mean for our health care system and patients like Donna.” 

Donna Wagar was diagnosed with gallstones the week of August 23rd and referred to a surgeon on the 23rd. She finally spoke to the surgeon on Oct. 12th but since then has heard nothing and is waiting for an operation date. Donna says she’s unable to search for work or carry on with her life while she waits for her gallbladder removal surgery. Her story mirrors that of thousands of Saskatchewan patients who find themselves unable to get the care they need within the Saskatchewan health system due to the disastrous handling of the 4th wave pandemic by the Sask. Party government.

“I feel like I'm fading away. It’s very frustrating that our health care system has reached this point where patients like me can’t access the surgeries and treatments we desperately need. How am I labelled as elective with all my symptoms?” said Wagar. “I know there are people in worse shape than me, like people waiting for organ transplants, and I really feel for them.”


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PRINCE ALBERT – The latest December 2024 job numbers by Statistics Canada show that the Prince Albert and Northern economic area of Saskatchewan lost another 700 jobs last month. Overall, there are 1,100 fewer jobs in the region since Scott Moe became Premier in February 2018. 

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