Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Saskatchewan workers hit with highest job losses in Canada

According that the latest job figures from Statistics Canada, there are 6,400 fewer people working in Saskatchewan than last year. Over the last year, more jobs were lost in Saskatchewan than in any other province in the country.

“This is not news to the hard-working people I talk to who are struggling to make ends meet but we have to hope that it will be a wake-up call to the Sask. Party who have been ignoring reality,” said NDP Jobs Critic Vicki Mowat. “The Sask. Party’s approach of cutting important programs and services and giving tax breaks to the wealthy and well-connected is doing nothing to create or even protect Saskatchewan jobs.”

Sask. Party should scrap PST hike to help small businesses

After their PST hike hurt all businesses, producers and families, the Sask. Party again fell short today with their Bill 84 which will only help a very small portion of businesses – those that are already making over $500,000 a year. The NDP is committed to finding ways to support all small businesses in Saskatchewan. 

Reality Check: An apology of Eyre’s

After blatantly misrepresenting a specific homework assignment on Treaty education and calling the entire curriculum into question, this week, Education Minister Bronwyn Eyre has taken several opportunities to say she was apologizing but, there still seems to be something not quite right about what she says is her apology.

In the last week alone, she has released a written statement, spoken to the Saskatchewan School Boards Association, addressed questions raised by the NDP in the Legislature (she didn’t really answer but she did stand up and speak), and she spoke to the media two separate times.