Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Immediate action needed to support laid off Cameco workers

Sask. Party must immediately move to help the more than 800 workers affected by shut-down

In response to the announced suspension of operations at Cameco McArthur River mining and Key Lake milling operations the Saskatchewan NDP is calling on the Sask. Party government to take immediate action to support the families of the more than 800 workers who have lost their jobs as well and the hundreds more and entire communities that will feel the impact of this shutdown.

“This is terrible news for Northern Saskatchewan. Losing another 800 jobs is devastating to a region that has already lost too many,” said Saskatchewan NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer. “The Sask. Party must stop cutting and starting investing in diversifying our economy, attracting new investment, and nurturing local ideas.”

More Saskatchewan families hurt by job loss

Saskatchewan one of only two provinces to see a drop in number of people with jobs

Saskatchewan families and workers are finding it harder and harder to get by due to the Sask. Party’s heartless cuts and harmful tax hikes, but now, according to the latest report from Statistics Canada, it’s clear they are finding it harder and harder to find and keep steady employment as well.

“The Sask. Party needs to start understanding what’s happening in the lives of real people. There were 3,400 fewer people working in Saskatchewan last month than a year ago. Even more upsetting, 3,300 of them are women,” said NDP Jobs Critic Vicki Mowat. “Last month we learned that 28 per cent more Saskatchewan women are relying on Employment Insurance and now we see the problem is getting worse, not better. The Sask. Party’s priority should be creating and supporting an economic environment with more jobs and one where women are not pushed to the sidelines.”

Sask. Party ignored impacts of scrapping STC on health care

Documents obtained by the Saskatchewan NDP have revealed that, before scrapping the Saskatchewan Transportation Company, the Sask. Party did nothing to consider or evaluate what the impact would be on patients, seniors or any other medical services in Saskatchewan’s health care system. The response to the freedom of information request shows how much scrambling the Ministry of Health had to do after the Sask. Party announced the reckless and cold-hearted sell-off. 

Throne Speech more about Premier’s legacy than Saskatchewan people

In their latest Speech from the Throne, the Sask. Party ignored the realities being faced by Saskatchewan families today. Instead of reversing the heartless cuts to education and health care, ending the unfair tax hikes, or reinstating the STC which was scrapped as part of their desperate sell-offs, the Sask. Party simply repeated old and failed campaign promises, cherry picked statistics and chased headlines.