Meili statement on federal election, Premier Moe’s letter

A leader has a duty to unite. Scott Moe’s letter to the Prime Minister this morning does the opposite.

A leader doesn’t just get angry and point fingers. A leader does the work to find solutions to the challenges we are facing.

And the challenges Saskatchewan faces are not insignificant. 

Saskatchewan’s resource sector is key to our economic prosperity. A leader would get down to work with whoever is in power in Ottawa to ensure market access and competitiveness for those industries.

The people of Saskatchewan are rightly concerned about whether we are getting a fair deal on equalization within Canada. A leader wouldn’t have just forgotten about equalization for the duration of the federal election only to raise it once it’s politically convenient.

People in Saskatchewan are also tired of watching Scott Moe ignore the many issues that are within his control, like our overcrowded classrooms and emergency rooms. That’s not leadership.

To the people of Saskatchewan: I will be clear with any and all federal leaders that I am here to advocate on our province’s behalf. And I will be straightforward when federal leaders take positions that are contrary to our province’s interests.

But I will not stoke separatist sentiments, as we sadly watched our Premier do today. I am a proud Canadian. Like members of any country or any family, we have important and serious disagreements. But we can do better than anger and division. A leader would promote our interests within Confederation and work to make life better for people here in Saskatchewan.

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