Meili calls for update on coronavirus preparedness

NDP Leader Ryan Meili is proposing the government release regular updates on the status of coronavirus preparedness measures in Saskatchewan to ensure public safety.

“Saskatchewan people are rightly concerned about the global spread of COVID-19,” Meili said. “The virus has taken lives and has already hurt important sectors like the canola industry – this government should be doing everything it can to put the health of Saskatchewan people first and ensure our health system and our economy can weather the storm.”

Emergency rooms throughout the province are already overcapacity and under strain because of a lack of proper funding by the Sask. Party. Meili asked how a health system that is already strained by a lack of proper funding by the Sask. Party could handle the arrival of COVID-19. 

“Putting people first means having a plan in place in case the virus spreads to Saskatchewan – before it arrives not after,” Meili said. 

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