No full-time jobs added in April; unemployment up third consecutive month to 5.7%

Jobs stagnant or down in 4 out of 5 economic regions, year over year job growth continues to decline

REGINA - After six years in office, Premier Scott Moe still has the worst jobs record in all of Canada as April’s job numbers show no full-time jobs were added and unemployment rose to 5.7%.

“While Scott Moe and his ministers fly around the world on the public dime, back home, Saskatchewan people are finding it harder and harder to get ahead,” said Official Opposition Critic for Jobs and the Economy Aleana Young. “We’re losing record numbers of jobs in our rural areas as Scott Moe continues to have the worst jobs record in the country.”

Statistics Canada’s latest data shows that when it comes to job creation, the Sask. Party continues to lag. Since Scott Moe took office in February 2018, every other province in Canada has created jobs at a faster rate, while 40,000 jobs have been lost in rural Saskatchewan.

April’s numbers continue a 6-year slide of low year-over-year job growth. No full-time jobs were added last month as job growth was down or stagnant in four out of Saskatchewan’s five economic regions: 

In the Regina-Moose Mountain economic area, total employment has increased by 2,700 part-time jobs month-over-month (1.5%).

In the Swift Current-Moose Jaw economic area, total employment has decreased by 800 jobs month-over-month (-1.6%).

In the Saskatoon-Biggar economic area, total employment has decreased by 1,300 jobs month-over-month (-0.6%).

In the Yorkton-Melville economic area total employment has decreased by 400 jobs month-over-month (-1.1%).

In the Prince Albert and Northern economic area total employment is unchanged month-over-month (0.0%).

In addition to the low rate of job growth, Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate has risen for the third consecutive month to 5.7%.

The Statistics Canada job numbers follow a report from last month that showed that Saskatchewan lost a net 91 small businesses over the last year, as news of business closures continue to dominate headlines


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