Buffalo Wing or Chicken Wing? Saskatchewan Party won’t stand up to Mad Max

REGINA – Over the weekend, Saskatchewan families saw the consequence of the Sask. Party government’s refusal to stand up to those who organize mass demonstrations in contravention of public health orders. Maxime Bernier’s rally laughed off the small fines that were handed out at the event in Regina.

“It seems the Sask. Party has two wings, the Buffalo wing that doesn't care about public health and wants to break up Canada, and the Chicken Wing that is too afraid to stand up for either,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “And the way this premier flops and flails, it’s not clear which wing he’s flapping or is flapping him.”

On Saturday, May 1, Official Opposition Deputy Leader Nicole Sarauer moved amendments to Bill 23 - The Emergency Planning Amendment Act. These amendments proposed a specific offense for organizing a protest in contravention of public health measures with a fine of not less than $10,000. The government denied this motion. 

“It is clear that the current penalties are not providing sufficient deterrence. Maxime Bernier saw no substantial consequence for coming to our province and putting families and our health care system at risk, ” said NDP Deputy Leader Nicole Sarauer. “The government had a chance to send a real message with real consequences for those who organize these anti-mask, pro-COVID-19 rallies. Saskatchewan families deserve better.”


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